The inquest into Ahmed Timol’s death is important in the context of South African history as it provides an opportunity for us to understand the sacrifices past generations have made 

However, it also forces us to look at the use of torture in post-apartheid South Africa.

Last Monday marked the 2017 International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, which commemorates the numerous victims of torture around the world.

It was also the 33rd anniversary of the 1984 Convention against Torture and Other Inhumane or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, ratified by 162 Member States of the United Nations (UN), including South Africa, which ratified the treaty in 2013.

This story was first published by Wits Justice Project, a Wits Journalism project.  Please click on the following link to read the full article: Even today, Ahmed Timol’s torture case sounds frighteningly familiar