Wits Journalism has noted the call to limit gatherings in order to slow the spread of Covid-19, and  has postponed a number of events. This includes several events that were planned for this week,  including Jamfest, the Civic Tech Innovation Forum (which will not host several webinars) and a Round Table discussion of African journalism schools. We are also postponing this year’s Taco Kuiper Awards ceremony, scheduled for March 27.

We deeply regret having had to make this decision, but public health clearly demands it.  We are committed to doing what we can to support national and international measures to limit the spread of the pandemic.  We hope the situation soon allows us to plan the way forward for these events.


With thanks


Anton Harber                                                                                                                    Franz Krüger

Convenor: Taco Kuiper Awards                                                                                  HoD: Wits Journalism