



The Journalism Programme Advisory Board brings together industry representatives and academic figures to give guidance and advice to the programme. It is intended to help build the bridge between the academy and the media industry and to ensure that we are providing training that matches the needs of the industry and upholds the standards of the academy.

Members of this board are:

  • Chair: Prof Thandwa Mthembu, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Affairs)
  • Prof Tim Reagan, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities
  • Dr Sue van Zyl, Head of the Graduate School for Humanities
  • Prof Peter Delius, History Department
  • Prof Patrick Fitzgerald. Director of the School of Public and Development Management
  • Elizabeth Barratt,  Independent Newspapers,
  • Paddi Clay, Johnnic Communications
  • Henry Jeffries, Media 24 and SA National Editors Forum
  • Omar Essak, Kagiso Media
  • Dan Moyane, Primedia Broadcasting