Karas 102.3 FM community radio says it has made great strides in providing participatory broadcasting services to people in Keetmanshoop and surrounding areas despite facing many challenges since its launch in October,  writes Luqman Cloete in The Namibian.


At a press conference at Keetmanshoop yesterday, station manager Anwar Thomas said the station was facing problems with staff and organisational development and generating advertising revenue.

"The main challenge is to provide persistent and sustainable workshopping and training to our volunteers to bring skills levels on par with the mainstream media," Thomas said.

He said the community radio station is planning fundraising activities to ensure its sustainability.

Thomas said plans are afoot to extend the station's coverage to Lüderitz and surrounding areas.Currently the radio covers a 50-kilometre radius.

Click here to read the full report, posted on The Namibian's website.