Entries for the 2018 Standard Bank Sikuvile Journalism Awards are currently open and will close on April 25. 

Against the backdrop of fake news, journalists have to reload the truth at every turn, building trust, loyalty and community. News audiences are far from dumbing down. They demand serious content and the provision of this type of content will help deepen the nature of consumer relationships with news organisations offline and online. The theme for the 2018 awards amplifies this. The truth reloaded. 

The winners take home of R15 000 cash, a trophy and a certificate. The fee per entry is R160, a slight increase on last year. A reduced amount will be considered if a freelancer motivates why they should pay a reduced fee.

The Standard Bank Sikuvile Journalism Awards will be presented at a prize-giving function on Thursday, 13 September.

Entries may be sent by registered post, courier or hand-delivered.

For more information, Download the full Standard Bank Sikuvile Journalism Awards information pack or visit www.pdmedia.org.za