Foreword, by Henry Jeffreys
Ch 1) First questions
2) The South African media landscape
Talking point: Serving the public interest, by Rehana Rossouw
3) Accountability and practical decisionmaking
Talking point: Readers should be more than consumers,
by Cyril Madlala
Case study 1: Leaks, agendas and RS452
4) Getting it right: accuracy
Talking point: Getting it right on air, by Pippa Green
Case study 2: Lies on the pavement
Case study 3: Paper tricked into losing its head
Case study 3: The harder they fall
5) Getting all sides: fairness
Talking point: In defence of passion, by Anton Harber
Case study 5: Minister motormouth
Case study 6: Flat-earthers, round-earthers
Case study: Reporting yourself
6) Keeping your distance: independence
Talking point: Easy spinning, by Chris Vick
Case study 8: Stopping the messenger
Case study 9: The public relations editor
Case study 10: Bearding the boss
7) Writing race
Talking point: Managing the coverage of race, By Jovial Rantao
Case study 11: Sing a song of prejudice
Case study 12: Hey there, big spender!
Case study 13: arms, race
8) The next frontier: gender
Talking point: No change at the bottom of the pile,
by NomaVenda Mathiane
Case study 14: Classroom temptresses
Case study 15: Judging judges
Case study 16: The judge, the activist and the husband
9) Stepping on toes: public sensitivities
Talking point: The duty to offend, by Jon Qwelane
Case study 17: Crude morning
Case study 18: A space to imagine the horror
Case study 19: Rape on tape
10) Of trust and scepticism: relating to the source
Talking point: Sources are like a garden, by Mizilikazi wa Afrika
Case study 20: The word of a killer
Case study 21: Who used whom?
Case study 22: Taking the pain
11) My home is (not always) my castle: privacy
Talking point: Poverty and privacy, by Ferial Haffajee
Case study 23: The politician and the rent-boy
Case study 24: The hidden minister
Case study 25: Will you be my ex?
12) The dark side: Reporting death, Aids and trauma
Talking point: A place for respect, by Jacob Ntshangase
Case study 26: Politics, Aids and reputation
Case study 27: The death of a dissident
Case study 28: The death of a right-wing dream
13) Flying a false flag: deception
Talking point: Truth in hidden places, by Max du Preez
Case study 29: Resculpting a story
Case study 30: A bug in the wall
Case study 3: Sweets from strangers
Appendix 1: An ethics roadmap
Appendix 2: Discussions and exercises
Appendix 3: Icasa code for broadcasters
Appendix 4: Press code of conduct
Appendix 5: Sunday Times accuracy check