
The government communication departments (GCIS) list of media contacts.
This is the home page of the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS). It contains documents and publications, speeches and statements, news and events and links. GCIS is primarily responsible for communication between government and the people.
 On this site the GCIS database of contact information for government bodies, media organisations, journalists, and a selection of other institutions such as political parties, foreign representatives in South Africa, tertiary and other institutions. 

Economics Africa
The Mbedndi website is Africa’s leadind business, travel and tourism site, it is also a top mining, energy, travel and trade website. The site enables you to e-mail news and alert services to find opportunities, business, finance partners and reference information.

Soul Beat Africa
A web-based information-sharing initiative about using communication for development and social change across Africa. Includes summaries of programme experiences, materials, evaluations, research, events and training opportunities, awards/funding, links and e-newsletters, submitted from organisations and individuals across the continent and the world. Its free fortnightly e-newsletter, The Soul Beat, highlights information summarised on the website.

Business SA

This is a comprehensive online database on business in South Africa. Company information, director information, auditor information and a full history of a business can be found on this site. To conduct a search you can either pay to be a once off member or register to become a member
This site can provide financial background information, provide proof of ownership and realisable asset valuation indicators of Companies and Consumers as well as assist in revealing hidden or undeclared assets to creditors.
Pretrieve is a search engine that is specifically geared towards finding public records relevant to a person, business, or address. The search database knows about thousands of public records sources, and can match your search information to the relevant sources for you.
The largest public record directory on the Internet. Online since 1997, Search Systems is a  resource of business information, corporate filings, offenders, inmates, criminal and civil court filings, vital records, property records, unclaimed property, professional licenses, and much more.
Search names, proximity, countries and documents. Find citations to names of individuals and groups involving anything from organized crime, political elites, intelligence and scandals. This website is a cumulative index to books and clippings.
This site is the Competition Commission website. It includes text of regulatory acts a brief history of the Commission, and research publications. The Competition Commission  is a statutory body constituted in terms of the Competition Act, No 89 of 1998 by the Government of South Africa empowered to investigate, control and evaluate restrictive business practices, abuse of dominant positions and mergers in order to achieve equity and efficiency in the South African economy.
ITInews is the online publication of the Insurance Times & Investments magazine and a web portal for the financial services sector. ITInews provides services such as news, information, newsletters, press releases, advisor and company listings and services.

Forensic Company Investigations

South Africa
This site provides links to South African internet resources. Links to various archives, business and investment sites, websites on education, periodical information as well as other key resources of South African information is found here.
This site is dedicated to the Auditor-General of South Africa. Reports, press releases and governing legislation is also found here.

This is the website of Campanies House. The main functions of Companies House are to incorporate and dissolve limited companies; examine and store company information delivered under the Companies Act and related legislation; and make this information available to the public.
Investegate is the online source of announcements from UK quoted companies, allowing you to view all regulatory and other published information in one place.
Located in Tucson, Arizona, Lawyers & Judges Publishing Company is devoted to the making of top quality resources in various legal fields, especially accident reconstruction and litigation.

The Center for Public Integrity
The Center for Public Integrity is a non-profit organization dedicated to producing original, responsible investigative journalism on issues of public concern. Links for featured projects is available on this site.

Centre of Investigative Reporting
This page contains links and resources from the Centre of Investigative Reporting (CIJ) in London.

This site belongs to the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association. This site contains, news, features, bursaries, publications and information on conferences from around the commonwealth. 

Courts & Justice
On this site you can find the latest judgments and find out about forthcoming hearing that will take place at the constitutional court – the highest court in South Africa. Information about the court, the constitution, your rights, judges and judgments is also available.
The Swiss Federal Office of Justice. Contains latest news and documentation, criminal records, information on human rights, and economic, social and security legislation. Also available in German, French and Italian.
Find reported judgments from the Supreme Court of Appeal on this site. Details of reserved and enrolled judgments, information about the court, judges and contact details are also available.
The Truth and Reconciliation website provides links to hearings and decisions that took place as well as information about the various committees that were part of the TRC. The TRC was set up by the Government of National Unity to help deal with what happened under apartheid.

Handbooks on covering war crimes and politics

Handbooks on covering war crimes and politics are available on the The International Journalists' Network (IJNet) website.  Here Journalists interested in improving their coverage of war crimes or politics can download two new handbooks. IJNet is an online service for journalists, media managers, media assistance professionals, journalism trainers and educators.

Handbook for the Radio Journalism Course in Political Reporting
This Course Handbook has been produced to accompany the Uganda Radio Network Advanced Radio Journalism Course. The Handbook, which follows the day-by-day course programme, contains transcripts of PowerPoint presentations plus additional supporting material.

Section One: Radio Journalism
Section Two: Politics, Elections and The Media
Section Three: Radio Production

Reporting Justice: A Handbook on Covering War Crimes Courts
This handbook is intended for journalists undertaking one of the most challenging, important and potentially rewarding of tasks: reporting on the trials of war crimes suspects or investigating war crimes on the ground.

Section One
Section Two