The seven-part workshop series is a deeper dive in skills such as using maps, social media verification and many more


JamLab, a project of Wits Journalism, will be offering digital and data skill workshops every Thursday from 7th March right through to 2nd May.

These workshops cover the essentials of digital data gathering and storytelling from advanced search to verifying social media sources to getting data out of government sources.

The 7 part workshop series is a deeper dive in digital and data skills focusing on the following:


Date Title Description Level Trainer
Thursday 7 March, 10am

2 Hours

Super-Search How to use Google properly, as well as other specialist search engines, including picture search and back-search Beginner Alastair Otto
Thursday 14 March 10am

2 Hours

Internet super-tools Finding and using the many tools available to journalists on the internet Beginner Alastair Otto
Thursday 21 March 10am

2 Hours

Social Media Sleuthing How to learn about a person through their social media networks Beginner Alastair Otto
Thursday 4 April

10 am

2 Hours

Using the Promotion of Access to Information Act Using the law to access information Beginner Nobukhosi Zulu
Thursday 18 April 10am

2 Hours

Using Maps Simple ways to create and use maps to enhance your story (for those who don’t know how to code or use GPS co-ordinates) Beginner Alastair Otto/ Laura Grant
Thursday 25 April


2 Hours

Forensic Journalism Case studies of how journalists used Google Earth and satellite imagery to nail stories Beginner Alastair Otto
Thursday May 2


2 Hours

Social Media Verification How to verify social media information to avoid fake news Beginner Africa Check
Thursday May 9


2 Hours

Digital security Keep yourself safe: tools for communicating and data storage Beginner TBC


Data Visualisation – Two sessions
Monday 18 March 10am

2 hours


Monday 1 April


Full day

(Participants have to sign up for BOTH events)

1/2 A beginner’s guide to Data Visualisation

2/2 Using tools to make interactive visualisations

1. How to choose the right visualisation and use it to communicate effectively. (For people with no spreadsheet skills)

2. How to use tools to turn data into compelling visualisations. (For non-coders)

1. Beginner

2. Intermediate

Alastair Otto/ Laura Grant



Introduction to video – Two sessions
Monday 15 April and Monday 22 April. 10am.

2 X 2 hours

(Participants have to sign up for BOTH events)

Recording and editing publishable sound and video for your stories (part 1 & 2) Recording and editing publishable sound and video for your stories Beginner Indra de Lanerole


Website analytics – Two sessions
Monday 29 April and Monday 6 May 10am

2 X 2 hours

Website analytics Beginner Laura Grant


For more information and how to register, please click here.