A LUSAKA Magistrates' court has freed a newspaper newseditor who stood charged for circulating photographs of a woman in labour during Zambia's strike earlier this year, writes Elias Mbao in the Daily Nation.
Chief resident magistrate Charles Kafunda found Zambia's The Post newspaper newseditor, Chansa Kabwela, with no case to answer and she has since been freed.
Kafunda told the packed court in Lusaka that the prosecution did not show that the photographs Kabwela circulated to the Vice-President Mr George Kunda, other senior government officials and selected women's organizations and a church leader could corrupt public morals.
Earlier this year, Kabwela received photographs of a woman giving birth outside a hospital in Lusaka without medical care at the peak of health workers' strike but since they were gruesome she decided not to publish them but wrote a letter and enclosed the same photographs which she sent to Vice-President George Kunda, Health minister and other government officials hoping the pictures would move them to end the strike.
Click here to read the report, posted on allafrica.com.