Fojo Media Institute/The Rwanda Media Programme are looking for a lead consultant to develop and implement the inception phase of an extensive media training and mentoring program for media managers and editors in commercial and non-profit media in Rwanda.

The Rwanda Media Programme is supporting a general professionalisation of journalism, improving gender representation and strengthen media management capacity to produce sustainable quality journalism and secure financial viability built on business models fitted media markets and potential target groups.

The project will be implemented following two tracks:

  1. A comprehensive training program for media managers and editors from 10 selected media houses of various sizes.
  2. In-house training and mentoring focused on assistance to a specific development project proposed by the individual companies.

The lead consultant will be assigned for specific tasks in the inception phase April to September 2022. Following evaluation and possible project adjustments a full trainer and mentor team will be assigned to continue implementation from September 2022 to December 2023, when the full project will be evaluated.

A draft detailed description of project organisation, the expected process and content to be trained is available, as well as our expectations for the qualifications of the lead consultant.

Qualified consultants are welcome to apply before deadline on March 10. Short listed consultants will be invited for interviews prior to final assignment.


The Rwanda Media Programme 2021-2026 is a five-year programme for capacity building and professionalisation of the media in Rwanda. It is influenced by the concept of sustainable journalism and the growing needs for new ways to obtain financial viability of professional independent media.  The programme will focus on news and newsroom production, in line with international journalistic core values of truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, fairness and public accountability that will have a strong gender focus. The programme is funded by SIDA (Sweden) and SDC (Switzerland) and implemented by Fojo Media Institute (Fojo), SR MDO, PAX PRESS and RBA.

Read more about the application requirements here

Applications should be sent by e-mail to:, Programme Coordinator at Fojo Media Institute.

The deadline for application is March 10. 2022 at 5.00 pm (CAT). Applications received after that deadline will not be accepted.