The Journalism Department in the School of Literature, Language and Media invites applications for appointment to the full time position of Co-ordinator of the China-Africa Reporting Project. This project aims to stimulate better coverage of China-Africa issues in both African and Chinese media. It does this through facilitating journalism exchanges, offering reporting grants, bursaries, creating journalism tools, training, research and co-ordinating a network of journalists in both China and Africa.
50% – 100% position, grant funded, fixed term position: 01 May2015 to 31 December 2016
Position: AD09 Coordinator China-Africa Reporting Project
- A degree, and preferably a post-graduate degree
- Project management experience
- Knowledge of media and journalism
- At least five years relevant work experience
This person is responsible for:
- Project management, strategy and implementation
- Coordinating the reporting grants
- Overseeing a small team of researchers and journalists
- Coordinating the network of journalists
- Hosting Chinese journalists and other visitors
- Facilitating African journalists’ visits to China
- Building partnerships with related projects and institutions
- Organising events, training, seminars and lectures
- Oversee website development and maintenance
- Relations with funders, including reporting and budgetting
- Future fundraising
For further details of the project, see Inquiries: Anton Harber
Closing date: 10 April 2015
To Apply: Submit a letter of motivation, detailed CV with the names and contact numbers of three referees (including email addresses).
Internal employees are invited to apply directly on Oracle by following the path: iWits/self service application/”Apply for a job”
External applicants are invited to apply by: registering your profile on the Wits i-recruitment platform located at and submitting your application.
The University reserves the right not to make an appointment and continue searching after the closing date. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.