NEWSLETTER – Wits Journalism News: May 2017 Highlights
by rendani | Jun 13, 2017
7 June 2017 |
JAMLAB launched
Wits Journalism, along with the Wits Tshimologong Digital Innovation centre launched a new digital platform for innovation in journalism and media in South Africa and the rest of the African continent. In conjunction with this new offering, applications for Tshimologong’s first six-month innovation support programme is now open for existing or new South African journalism and media teams. |
Podcast highlights
Symposium – High time for a common integrated African policy on China
20 July 2017 – Senate Room, Wits University
In line with increasing calls for a unified African policy and strategy, this symposium presents a platform to critically examine the prospects of a Pan-African policy and strategy to guide Africa’s engagement with China. The event is hosted with the Institute for Global Dialogue associated with UNISA, and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. |
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