Our Brand New Heavy for the month of May is Mogau Seshoene, a young lady who turned her passion for cooking and traditional food into a local household brand – The Lazy Makoti.

From cooking classes to branded kitchen utensils, aprons and a substantial social media presence, The Lazy Makoti is a business that helps people to learn how to cook traditional South African cuisine.

Mogau tells us about her journey, what keeps her going, the partnerships she has in business and how she plans to drive forward South Africa’s food industry. We also hear from her mentor Octavius Phukubye who is an Impact Investment Management consultant. He gives us insight into where The Lazy Makoti brand will go in future and also offers advice for young entrepreneurs. Mogau then goes head to head against the Business Buzz in a game of Food-For-Thought-Trivia.

Our Business Wrap is with Desiree Raghubir from BDO Wealth Advisers. Our Sixty Seconds Corporate Sell talks to Grace Kalisha from the Anzisha Prize.

Catch the show live on VowFM 88.1 in Johannesburg or stream on vowfm.co.za. All shows are on journalism.co.za/business and are produced by the Wits Radio Academy.

The Business Buzz is presented by Mudiwa ‘MobbJustice’ Gavaza and Onkemetse Seremo, and produced by Khazimuliswa Ndlovu, Eric Mphumbude and Ontlotlile Kalebe. Our executive producer is Elna Schutz, and technical producer is Kutlwano Serame.


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