Panel 1
General issues for journalism education: Challenges and implications
Journalism programmes across sub-continental Africa have mushroomed in the recent past. But with this explosion comes concerns about standards and qualifications. Read more.
Panel 2
Testing the fit: Between the classroom and the ‘real world’
Journalism graduates leave training institutions with high expectations of getting a chance to put classroom theory into practice. However, often the working environment presents them with practices unknown in classrooms, testing the fit between their academic training and the ‘real world’. Read more
Panel 3
Issues of language
Across Africa, journalism educators struggle to deal with issues of language.The mediums used in many print publications are often colonial languages and not mother tongue. This has implications for the practice of journalism. Read more.
Panel 4
Teaching journalism: Case studies
Who should finance a university student newspaper, radio or television? Who should be in-charge of such media? What should be the emphasis of practical learning: general skills or specialisation? How do you assess students in practical learning? These were some of the questions panellists from Botswana, South Africa and Nigeria addressed. Read more.
Panel 5
Training in different paradigms: Community journalism, citizen journalism, social activism
How should the teaching of journalism deal with the need to move beyond the mainstream professional model of reporting? These panellists presented some productive experiments in teaching practice that also critiques the conventional news model. Read more.
Panel 6
Summing up the issues
After two days of intense debate, participants in Conference of African Journalism Educators (2009) sought to identify the most important issues addressed in the forum and to consider the way forward. Read more