The Press Council invites applicants for the positions of director, press ombud and public advocate
The Executive Director is the senior executive officer of the PCSA and leads it on a full-time, professional basis and is accountable for all operational matters.
The Press Ombud adjudicates complaints about journalistic ethics and conduct at Subscriber Publications that cannot be resolved at the earlier level of mediation.
The Public Advocate assists members of the public to formulate their complaints about journalistic ethics and conduct at Subscriber Publications, and attempts to resolve complaints amicably by liaising directly with the publication on behalf of the complainant. The Public Advocate may represent the complainant before the Press Ombud and/or the Appeals Panel.
Applicants must have extensive media experience, a fair understanding of the workings of the South African legal system and a finely tuned sense of public service and commitment.
Applicants must be citizens of the Republic of South Africa and reside permanently in the country, at least 21 years old, and committed to the values underpinning the South African Constitution, as well as the Press Code of Ethics and Conduct for South African Print and Online Media.
Any person who ocupies a seat in a local, provincial or national legislative body, is an office-bearer of a political party or movement, or is in the employ of the public service will not be eligible.
The three positions are for a term of five years, which may be renewed.
Please address written applications to one of the following channels:
Press Council,
P.O. Box 47221
Fax number: 0114843619
Closing date: December 11, 2017