Judges' reasons
There are two winners in this category:

the investigative (second) radio feature, researched often under
dangerous personal circumstances in August 2005, about the exploitation
of workers in the diamond mining industry in the Northern Cape.


the feature on a unique physically disabled character found along the
wayside between Janseville and Uitenhage on the way back tot he media
office from another story, and which had quite unexpected consequences.

The winners are Mercedes Besent (SABC Kimberly) & Veronica Fourie (SABC Port Elizabeth)

Veronica Fourie: Man op toer deur die land met 'n perdekar en sy twee honde-net een oog
Broadcast on Monitor on RSG-28 November 2004

English version:

Man with one eye tours through the country on gravel roads with one horse cart

Mercedes Besent's script will be added when available.