Use jocoza to reach journalists!, or jocoza, is the most important online meeting point for the journalists of Southern Africa. It’s simply the best source for information on the media or journalism in this part of the world.

People are drawn to the site by its mix of topical news coverage, engaging debate, information on training opportunities, industry-relevant events and more.

A comprehensive collection of links makes jocoza the natural starting point for anybody looking for other media-related sites.  The long list of other features includes an ethics page with case studies, a gallery of newspaper front pages and a collection of “blapses” that provide light relief. For many journalists, jocoza is the first thing they look at after switching on their workstation in the morning.

Jocoza statistics for Nov 2010
Unique visitors:   6 146
Visits: 15 521
Pageviews: 69 700
Our traffic comes from South Africa and Southern African as well as the US, Europe, China and the rest of the world.

As a result, the site has shown steady and continuing growth, as shown in the stats. We also send out a weekly newsletter to over 4500 subscribers. This makes jocoza the perfect vehicle to reach into the influential community of journalists. Here are some of the opportunities that are available:

Advertising Use jocoza to advertise to journalists with banners, skyscrapers, buttons or other formats: they need computers, travel, phones – actually, pretty much everything anybody else needs.

Job vacancies The jobs listing is one of our users’ favourite sections: journalists are always looking out for an opportunity to move on and up!  Post your job ad here, and be assured that the right eyeballs will see it.

Archive of excellence Our collection of prizewinning journalism contains the winning entries from a number of competitions, including the Sanlam Financial Journalist of the Year contest, the Taco Kuiper awards and others.

The collection offers younger journalists and prospective entrants the opportunity to see the work that won the various judges favour, and boosts the profile of the competition and its sponsors. The section is constantly growing, and organisers of prestigious competitions are invited to add their winners to the collection.

E-library Publishers of books and other substantial texts related to media and journalism are invited to add their titles to our collection.

Audiostreaming Jocoza has the capacity to audiostream conferences, panel discussions and the like. Contact us if you are organising a journalism-related event, and would like to use this channel to enable people to listen in from their desk, anywhere in the world.

Rates and further information All inquiries about rates or other details should be sent to the editor, Franz Krüger, on Want to use the site in other ways? Contact us and we will see how we can accommodate you.