The general manager of Yarona FM has urged Botswana's National Broadcasting Board
(NBB) to license government-owned commercial radio station RB2 to level
the playing field, writes Bame Piet in Mmegi.
He said that it would disadvantage them if RB2 were allowed to continue broadcasting without a licence because, being unregulated, RB2 could be charging below the market advertising rates.
NBB Chairman Dr Masego Mpotokwane explained that negotiations were ongoing to license RB2. He said that it had been difficult because it was unclear whether RB2 was classified as a commercial radio station or a state broadcaster. ÂÂÂ
Lopang said that Yarona FM "is aware that national broadcasting comes with responsibility" and promised that news from other regions, and not only from Gaborone, would find space in the Yarona FM broadcasting content as required under the licence. NBB said that one of the requirements for the radio stations was that 40 percent of the content should be local. Mpotokwane said contrary to popular belief that NBB should conduct a market survey, it was up to the investor/licensee to do so to establish whether his/her business would be sustainable.
Click here to read the full report, posted on Mmegi's website.