Claims that the SABC had given ANC president Jacob Zuma too much air time have been dismissed by the Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa, it said, according to a report on
The BCCSA found that since an election date was not yet proclaimed, the rules on equitable time division were not yet applicable.
On October 15, the SABC conducted a 45 minute interview with Zuma, from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.
In reaction complaints were made by the Inkatha Freedom Party and Nadeco, and two members of the public.
"The core of the complaints was that it was unfair of the SABC to have granted Mr Zuma an hour-long slot during prime evening time to address problems within the ANC and, thereafter, to address policy issues of the ANC.
"The complaints are not essentially that the programme itself was unfair, but that time was given to one political party without extending the same privilege to other parties to put forward their policies," the BCCSA said.
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