is proud to present this collection of prize-winning journalism. We hope that the archive of excellence will grow, with the addition of the winning entries from other competitions. For the moment, it contains the Vodacom and Sanlam Financial Journalist winners. We are sure it can grow into a useful resource for Southern Africa’s journalists, by showcasing the best that has been produced over the years.

Sanlam Awards for Excellence in Financial Journalism 2009

Rob Rose, former Financial Mail and currently investigations reporter at the Sunday Times’s Business Times, was named the Financial Journalist of the Year for 2009 at the annual Sanlam Awards for Excellence in Financial Journalism in Johannesburg last week (12 may), following a close tussle with Jan de Lange, labour and mining reporter at Sake24.

The Sanlam Awards were introduced in 1974 to acknowledge the indispensable role of financial journalism in society and to promote the high standards required of financial journalists.

The competition attracted 110 entries from 70 journalists representing 25 different publications, internet news services and radio and television stations.

Apart from taking the overall prize, Rose was adjudged the winner in two sections for magazines and weekly newspapers, namely for Economy and Industries, and Markets and Companies.

He was adjudged the best newcomer to the competition in 2002 and took Markets and Companies in 2006 and again in 2008.

Prof. Anton Harber, convenor of the adjudicators, commended Rose for “his masterpiece in investigative journalism”.

Rob Rose’s entries for Markets and Companies, weekly publications.

Black Clouds Start to Form Over Blue
Bumbling Along
Dealing with A Debacle
Banks in it Too
Handshake Not Golden Enough

Rob Rose’s entries for the Sanlam awards, economy and industry section.

Duped : SA’s Madoff
Tannenbaum Admits Fault
Ponzi Scheme: The Dirty Email Trail
The Big Squeeze
Banks Behaving Badly

Jan de Lange‘s strong challenge comprised no fewer than three section prizes, two in the Daily Newspapers and Internet sections for Economy and Industries, as well as Markets and Companies, and finally, for the special section, Labour.

Jan de Lange’s entries in Markte en Maatskappye (Dagblaaie en internetnuusdienste)

Maroga het van krisis by Eskom geweet

Hoekom het Maroga nie geluister
Maroga pos boodskapper
Zuma gryp in by Maroga-sage
Die regte vrae oor Eskom se prysverhoging van 45%

Jan de Lange’s entries in Spesiale afdeling: Ontwikkelingsekonomie

Gevaarlike platinumsektor moet gou sentraal beding
Mynsterftes laer gedwing
Sekuriteitsbedryf kry veiligheid met ooreenkoms
Kom Irvin, wees eerlik oor arbeidsmakelaars
Broodnood die stakings se petrol, nie politiek

Jan de Lange’s entries in Ekonomie en Bedrywe (Dagblaaie en internetnuusdienste)

Oppas Tito, jy maak ‘n fout om Irvin Jim en kie te onderskat
Ekonomie opnuut deurdink
Kragpryse hoef nie skerp te styg om buitelandse opwekkers te lok – 3X 45% onnodig
Gifsweer swel groter oor SEB in myne
China wil Afrika hulpbronmark syne maak

Apart from Rose and De Lange, the prizewinners were:

Stephen Cranston, associate editor of Financial Mail, joint winner in Markets and Companies (Magazines and weekly newspapers): Diversity ; Gray Matter ; How to Lose a Billion ; Out of Fashion ; Supertanker Ahead

Bruce Cameron of Personal Finance (Personal Finance: Newspapers, financial magazines and Internet) “for an unequalled 12th award: Debt market funds – Not as safe as you think Part I Part II ;The mysterious transformation; Turning debt into an asset ; Investing by design Part I , Part II ; Life’s a stage then you retire, Part I ; Part II

Mariette Crafford from Rooi Rose (Personal Finance: Non-financial publications) 

A tie in the Broadcast section, Sue Beukes of CNBC Africa and, from SABC 3, Siki Mgabadeli and Nikiwe Bikitsha with a joint entry.

The adjudicators were:

Prof. Anton Harber (former journalist/editor and currently Director: Wits School of Journalism and Media Studies),
Robert Brand
(former journalist and currently the Pearson Chair of Economics Journalism, Rhodes School of Journalism and Media Studies),
Ulrich Joubert (economist at Kruger International),
Reg Rumney
(former financial journalist/editor and currently Director: Centre for Economics Journalism in Africa, Rhodes School of Journalism and Media Studies),
Conrad Sidego (former journalist, public relations practitioner and diplomat, and currently director of companies),
Caroline Southey (former journalist/financial editor and currently director of Community Banking Strategy and Reporting at Standard Bank),
Hein Swart (former business editor and parliamentary representative of Die Burger in Cape Town),
Peter Vundla
(deputy executive chairperson: AMB Holdings).

Full particulars about the competition are accessible on Sanlam,s website.

Enquiries: Frans van Rensburg (021 947-4893 / 082 805 9245)


Click here to read the organisers’ media release with full details of winners.

Ann Crotty
of Business Report won overall honours for her series on the competition commission hearings into the proposed Engen/Sasol merger. Read her winning entries.

Claire Bisseker
of Financial Mail, Cape Town won the Economy and Industries: Magazines and weekly newspapers section. Read her winning entries.
Richard Stovin-Bradford of Sunday Times/Business Times won the Markets and Companies: Magazines and weekly newspapers section. Read his winning entries.

Helen Ueckermann of Sake-Rapport freelancing for Finesse won the Personal Finance: Non-financial publications section. Read her winning entries.

Ryk van Niekerk, editor of Gauteng Business won the special section Entrepreneurship/Small Business Development. Read his winning entries.

The award for the best entry by a journalist with less than three years’ experience and entering for the first time was made to Maya Fisher-French, freelancer for Maverick and M&G Money. Read her winning entries.

Ann Crotty and Renee Bonorchis from Business Report won the Marketing companies: Daily newspapers and Internet section. Read their winning entries.

Bruce Cameron of Personal Finance won the Personal Finance: Newspapers, financial magazines and Internet section.

Siki Mgabadeli, anchor/producer at the SABC’sNews@10 won the Broadcast media: Television section.

Bruce Whitfield, regular contributor to Finweek magazine and broadcast journalist on Summit TV and Radio 702 and Cape Talk, distinguished himself with excellent entries in five sections. This feat landed him a special merit award for consistent all-round performance.