1.0 Introduction
Media managers/editors are persons who realize the corporate purposes as defined by owners/publishers. By the nature of their placement within the organizational hierarchy managers/editors are synonymous with ownership and bear wholly the publishing re-sponsibility. Managers/editors are first and foremost-accomplished professionals. Both the owner/publisher and the registering/ licens-ing authority must be satisfied with the credentials of the manager/ editor during and after establishment, be it in print or broadcast media.
2.0 Ethical Practice
The manager/editor shall ensure that:
2.1 All workers know clearly the organization’s objectives and how best to achieve them.
2.2 Motivate personnel and work out incentives for job sat-isfaction
2.3 Remunerate fairly all work done by employees
2.4 Ensure that all employees are given an opportunity to enhance their professional competence through further training.
2.5 Ensure that media output is distinguishable between factual and commentary; that only proven and accurate stories are published and that rumours are discour-aged.
2.6 Ensure that information published does not incite dis-crimination, sexism, racism or violence.
2.7 Ensure that libel is avoided, and that the honour of a person is respected.
2.8 Ensure that all points of view are exposed by seeking out the main parties in a story. When a party refuses to co-operate, the organ should say so.
2.9 Inform all editorial staff of important decisions that may influence the life of the enterprise.
2.10 Ensure that the organ reports fairly and accurately the outcome of an action for defamation to which it has been a party.
2.11 Ensure that in times of grief or shock inquiries are made with sympathy; and editing is carried out with discretion so that the concerned are not made to relive their ag-ony.
2.12 Ensure that children and minors are not identified in sexual or any other criminal offence.
2.13 Ensure that material that would identify victims of sex-ual assault is not published.
2.14 Ensure that derogative reference to a person’s creed or racial origin is not made.
2.15 Ensure that neither him nor her, nor any of the employ-ees take gifts or bribes in cash or kind in the course of duty or off-duty.
2.16 Examine offers, sponsorships and attractive contracts and agreements to ensure they have no attachments that would compromise the performance of the organi-zation.
2.17 Not for any reason other than public interest, suppress useful information.
2.18 Not entertain favouritism and greed.
2.19 Ensure that the public is provided with un-biased, accu-rate balanced and comprehensive information/news.
2.20 Not as a rule, disclose sources of information given in confidence.
2.21 Avoid violation of individual privacy and human dignity, unless necessitated by public interest.
2.22 Not to use plagiarized material without giving due credit to the source.
2.23 Not open to ridicule any underprivileged persons or communities.
2.24 Guard against highlighting incidents out of context, ei-ther in headlines or reportage/narration.
2.25 Correct promptly with equal prominence and give right of reply whenever a wrong story has been discovered.
2.26 Ensure that information is not gathered clandestinely or by intercepting personal communication channels.
2.27 Ensure that reporters are not members of organizations that they cover.
2.28 Ensure that material likely to cause public disorder is avoided.
2.29 Ensure that care has been taken when reporting mat-ters likely to affect national security.
2.30. Ensure that whenever possible photographs of the dead
are published with the consent of the relatives of the