Zimbabwean journalists Tsvangirai Mukwazhi and Tendai Musiyu have been
freed after being arrested and assaulted in police cells on Sunday
following disturbances in Highfield, Harare, writes Torby Muturikwa.
Mukwazhi, a photojournalist who freelances for AP, was held at an unknown police station until Tuesday when he was found by lawyers at Avondale police station.

Mukwazhi and Musiyu, a television producer who also freelances for AP, were among those detained at various police stations in Harare together with opposition MDC leaders Morgan Tsvangirai and Authur Mutambara.

They were among those picked up on Sunday when police disrupted a national prayer meeting that had been scheduled for Zimbabwe Grounds in Highfield under the auspices of the Save Zimbabwe Campaign.

Both journalists were heavily assaulted by police after their arrest. Together with others, they spent the night on Tuesday at the Avenues Clinic under police guard.

On Monday, the High Court ordered that lawyers and doctors be given access to their clients after the state conceded in its submission that they had been assaulted by the police. Judge Chinembiri Bhunu also gave the state until 8am on Tuesday to produce all detainees.

But the police failed to find charges to bring against the detainees and freed them all, including the two journalists.