Chance at redemption in Semenya story

Reporting the alleged findings of the IAAF investigation into Caster Semenya was a gross invasion of privacy, writes Anton Harber in Business Day. But good may come of it if it allows us to challenge outmoded ideas of sex and gender.  Anton Harber...

Citizen journalism, as it unfolds

The protests in Iran and other recent events have highlighted the possibilities and pitfalls – of the social networking tool Twitter for journalism, writes Anton Harber in Business Day. And it has become clear that citizen journalism will become ever more...

Franz Krüger – Head of Department

Contact details: Cell: 082 903 4196 email:   Franz Krüger is Adjunct Professor and director of the Wits Radio Academy, a newly established centre for learning, research and public engagement around radio based in the journalism programme of the...