PODCAST: Law Focus – Commissions of Inquiry

LAW FOCUS – COMMISSIONS OF INQUIRY The Constitution mandates the President as the head of the executive to appoint a commission of inquiry whenever it is in the public interest to do. The public has criticised the role of commissions and labelled them a political...


KPMG has been in the spotlight for private sector corruption in their audit reports. In particular, KPMG has released a report to SARS where it contained “legal” findings. KPMG was unauthorised to make these legal findings and henceforth this report was invalid and...

PODCAST: Law Focus – Labour Brokers

Since the inception of Labour Broking, millions of South Africans in the working class are on temporary employment for many years. By operation of law, temporary employment is meant to only last for three months. Most temporary employees’ contracts are renewed every...

PODCAST: Law Focus – #DataMustFall

#DATAMUSTFALL South Africa’s data costs are amongst the highest on the continent which has resulted in a public outcry in the form of social media campaign #DataMustFall. On #LawFocus we probe the competition in the telecommunications sector with...


Copyrights Amendments Act 2017 The creative industry will be undergoing some changes as government proposes new amendments to the Copyright Act of 1978. If passed, these changes will affect the royalty ownership of users, funders and artists at large. We interview...

PODCAST: Law Focus – Ahmed Timol Inquest

Law Focus this week looks at the Ahmed Timol case that is currently undergoing judicial review due to an overlook of a critical jurisdictional fact.  Ahmed Timol was an anti-apartheid activist who was tortured by policemen and allegedly committed suicide by...