Journalism – Associate Lecturer / Lecturer

Faculty of Humanities School of Literature, Language and Media START DATE: 01 February 2015 The Department of Journalism and Media Studies in the School of Literature, Language and Media is seeking to employ a Lecturer in Journalism Practice. The successful candidate...

School newspaper group needs help

An NGO working with a school group in Tembisa is looking for journalists who would spend just a little time on training and mentoring the group as they produce a school newspaper. Why we exist? We are tired of living in the possibility of a prosperous Africa. We want...

News Editor at Meropa Communications

Meropa Communications is looking for a news editor. The successful candidate should meet the following criteria: Must have been a news editor of a major title (print, digital or electronic); Must have well over 5 years journalism experience; Proven writing &...

Reporting on Children in the Media course offering

In partnership with Media Monitoring Africa, Wits Journalism is offering a block release course on Reporting on Children in the Media in August 2010. Reporting on Children in the Media aims to challenge the common representation of children and their issues in and by...

Wits and Columbia journ schools establish exchange

The Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University and the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa announce a new dual-degree programme, beginning in August 2010, which will allow students to study journalism in both New York and Johannesburg...